Thursday, 1 June 2017

Week 7, Term 2, 2017

A prayer for National Reconciliation Week

Lord, open up our hearts so that we may hear the message you teach of a world in which the wrongs of the past are recognised - a world in which a reconciled people walk and talk together sharing stories; a world in which all burn with the desire to have your peace and justice reign. We ask this in Jesus’ name.


Learning Community Site
All Term 2 timetables and newsletters can be accessed on the site. Just go to the tab for your child's class.

Some of the many learning activities on the site
Parents as learning partners - Learning Potential Website
Research indicates that ongoing parental involvement in children’s learning reaps benefits in many ways, including shaping positive attitudes to learning and supporting student achievement.
Education Services Australia have released a range of resources designed to enrich learning in the home. The ‘learning potential’ resources provide a range of literacy and numeracy activities for parents to explore with primary school children. There are some useful, practical resources which support children in the home learning environment.
Here is the link to the site

Leadership Profile: Mrs Liz Hills

I’m delighted to share with you a little about my role here at St Patrick’s. Officially I have two titles: Deputy Principal and Learning and Teaching Leader. As Deputy Principal, I work closely with the School’s Leadership Team to support the school community- students, parents and teachers- in the everyday running of the school, and to ensure that the Vision of St Patrick’s is enacted. I am always heartened to see the courteous, warm and generous ways that students interact with each other, and support each other in social and learning situations. I often chat with parents who are concerned about their children, and endeavour to assist them to access any support services that may be required.

As Learning and Teaching Leader I oversee the Curriculum content that your children undertake in their classrooms each day. As a school we aim to ensure that children are engaged and motivated, always faithful to our loving God. The best part of every day is the time I spend working with groups of children to support or extend them academically. I feel very fortunate to work with a group of dedicated and committed teachers, who are always seeking to improve their practice, and to cater to the diverse needs in each classroom setting.

Uniform Additions.
We are Alice M and Ivy C and we’re in 4P.   At the start of the term we went to Mrs Hills and asked if we could change the girl’s winter uniform. We wanted to change the uniform so that was better for sport, not as heavy and easier to be active in. (We also don’t have to worry when we're upside down!) Mrs Hills talked with the uniform suppliers and came up with some options, and shared them with us. So if you want to get your culottes and/or pants, like our Year 2 models Juliet and Cori, they are available at PSW.  Now the girls have three options of uniform to choose from. We can wear the tunic, pants or culottes (shorts). All of them are worn with the school shirt with the Peter Pan collar and the school jumper.

Footnote: Congratulations to Alice and Ivy for enacting change at our school through discussion and thoughtful debate, and for addressing their ideas via appropriate channels. A great result!

St Pat’s Cafe is looking for volunteers to regularly provide food for our Thursday evening gatherings. If you would like to help out by joining a monthly roster, please contact Gabby Paroli (from St. Pat’s PS) on 0408523502 or
You are still encouraged to bring a plate anytime you join us, but the roster will help us to ensure we have a good balance of food each week.

Don't forget to order the new Entertainment book for 2017-2018. Purchasing the book through school is a great way to help with our fundraising. The latest edition is available to view at the school office and all orders can be placed through Mary Hogan (Charlotte in 5M) via email or 0414 707 398 or click on the link below


Fri 16th June       Dendy Football Lightening Premiership
Wed 21st June    School Closure Day
Fri 23rd June       Reports home
Thur 29th June    Parent/Teacher Interviews
Fri 30th June       End of term 2. Children dismissed @ 2pm.


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