The Christian holiday of Pentecost, celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Feast of Weeks, as described in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 2:1–31)
Sacrament of Reconciliation
This week, the Year 3's and their parents will be attending workshops in preparation for making the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We thank Anne Mullan, Fr Paul Newton and the children's class teachers for helping the children to prepare for this important next step on their faith journey.
It is important that all children arrive at school ready to start the day by 8:55am. There is research to show that children continually late to school can suffer from a number of factors in the primary years such as: low achievement, social criticism, anxiety and stress. This can sometimes lead to poor attendance and low graduation rates during the latter years of education. Here is an interesting article about this.
We need to support our children to be punctual. Any children late to the office will need to come into the office with their parent. The parent is expected to sign their children in to enable them to move straight to class and avoid further delays. Regular lateness will be followed up by the principal with a phone call or meeting arranged with the parents. If you need help to get your child to school on time, then please talk to us.
Salesian College Visit
Our Year 3 and 4's were invited to watch some plays at Salesian College last week. Here are some photos and stories from children in 4V from the visit.
It is important that all children arrive at school ready to start the day by 8:55am. There is research to show that children continually late to school can suffer from a number of factors in the primary years such as: low achievement, social criticism, anxiety and stress. This can sometimes lead to poor attendance and low graduation rates during the latter years of education. Here is an interesting article about this.
We need to support our children to be punctual. Any children late to the office will need to come into the office with their parent. The parent is expected to sign their children in to enable them to move straight to class and avoid further delays. Regular lateness will be followed up by the principal with a phone call or meeting arranged with the parents. If you need help to get your child to school on time, then please talk to us.
Salesian College Visit
Our Year 3 and 4's were invited to watch some plays at Salesian College last week. Here are some photos and stories from children in 4V from the visit.
Working Bee Thank you
Thanks to Danny Egan and the forty-five families who helped with the Term 2 working bee last weekend. We appreciate your time and dedication to our school.
In recognition of the changing needs of today’s students CDF has relaunched the school savings program.
Today’s students live in a high-tech world. Coins, notes & paper passbook accounts have become ‘tap & go’ and App based mobile payments. Alongside this rapid technological change CDF is facing a more rigorous Government regulatory environment. Balancing all of these factors, they are making changes to create an even better experience for students.
They are now offering students a 31 Day Mission Saver Account. The new CDF 31 Day Mission Saver for Students is as the name suggests a savings account with a minimum of 31 days notice required to withdraw funds. It is a wholly online savings account that parents (or other adults such as grandparents who set up an account for the student) can view at any time online via secure password access. The application process, including the ID ‘check’ can also be completed online. This new account will pay a bonus for regular savings. To apply for a 31 Day Mission Saver please click here.
If you have children who have a traditional passbook, they are welcome to transition to this account at anytime by filling in the form online (note while they can nominate to transfer the balance from their traditional CDF passbook savings account to the new 31 Day Mission Saver for Students, we do need them to fill out this form due to changes in Government regulation). click here.
If instead of transferring to the new 31 Day Mission Saver you’d like your child’s contribution refunded, please contact CDF.
On behalf of CDF we’d like to thank everyone for their support for the program, and apologies for any inconvenience this change may cause.
Don't forget to order the new Entertainment book for 2017-2018. Purchasing the book through school is a great way to help with our fundraising. The latest edition is available to view at the school office and all orders can be placed through Mary Hogan (Charlotte in 5M) via email or 0414 707 398 or click on the link below
Fri 16th June Dendy Football Lightening Premiership
Wed 21st June School Closure Day
Fri 23rd June Reports home
Thur 29th June Parent/Teacher Interviews
Fri 30th June End of term 2. Children dismissed @ 2pm.
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