Thursday, 25 May 2017

Week 6, Term 2 2017

Family Mass
Thanks to our families who supported our Family Mass on Sunday. It was great to see Fr Paul back leading the mass as he continues to recover from his accident.
Wednesday the 24th May was the feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians, the patron saint of Australia.
Image source:
Here is a special prayer to say with your family to Our Lady Help of the Christians during the month of May.
Creator God, you made this great land of Australia and placed us under the patronage of Mary. May we look to her for inspiration so that we might create a community based on justice, compassion and mercy. We ask this prayer through Jesus, your Son. Amen.
May we also pray for the families who lost their loved ones in the tragic Manchester Arena attack.

Engaged and motivated learners: Fabulous Felting
Our Year 6's were busy making felted wool in art with our Art Specialist teacher Karin Dornbierer during the week. The felting process requires heat, moisture and friction as well as patience and expertise. Karin will be going on leave towards the end of June and will be going to Uganda. She will be taking the felting with her as part of a special project. Karin will work with children from a Disabled Community School to create necklaces from the felt. The necklaces will be brought back to sell and the proceeds will go back to the Uganda to support future art programmes at the school. While Karin is on leave, Di Tarranto will be filling in as the specialist art teacher

Engaged and motivated learners: Heritage Victoria
Our Preps and Year 1's were fortunate to work with Heritage Victoria who were trialing their newly designed primary school Artifact Kits with our children. This connects with the history unit the children engaged with last term. Heritage Victoria will donate some of the Artifact Kits to our school as resources to be used in the future.

Working Bee
The next Working Bee will be Saturday 3rd June from 12 noon to 4pm. Thanks to Danny Egan for coordinating our Working Bee. There are more details in the recent P & F Newsletter. We appreciate your help and support for our school.

Information from Catholic education Melbourne around future funding of Catholic Schools
Over the past few weeks, there has been a lot of information in the media about the Turnbull Government’s Quality Schools funding package and its impact on Catholic school fees.
The package proposed by the Government is a 10-year funding model, which will see significant changes to how Catholic schools are funded in the future.
Like the majority of Catholic schools, our school aims to be open and accessible to all families seeking a Catholic education. That means we aim to be affordable as well.
One of the big impacts of the Turnbull Government’s funding package is that Catholic school fees will have to rise.
This won’t happen tomorrow, but over the next 10 years, cuts to school funding will mean fees will gradually increase.
Catholic education leaders across Australia have been working hard to make sure the Government and the Opposition understand that our students will be disadvantaged by the funding model.
Everything is being done to make sure the Turnbull Government’s funding package does not become law.
That’s where our community comes in. In coming weeks, please keep an eye out in the school newsletter  for information about how you can add your voice to help prevent unreasonable fee increases.
We need to step up. Unreasonable fee increases are only a possibility at this stage – not a certainty. Parents in nearly 500 other Catholic schools in Victoria have also been asked to get ready and join the campaign.
With your help, we can make sure our politicians in Canberra are listening to Catholic schools.


Don't forget to order the new Entertainment book  for 2017-2018. Purchasing the book through school is a great way to help with our fundraising. The latest edition is available to view at the school office and all orders can be placed through Mary Hogan (Charlotte in 5M) via email or 0414 707 398


Fri 16th June Dendy Football Lightening Premiership
Wed 21st June School Closure Day
Fri 23rd June Reports home
Thur 29th June Parent/Teacher Interviews
Fri 30th June End of term 2. Children dismissed @ 2pm.


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