Friday 28 May 2021

Community Update #2.8

Prayer for a Time of Pandemic

May we who are merely inconvenienced remember those whose lives are at stake.
May we who have no risk factors remember those most vulnerable.
May we who have the luxury of working from home remember those who must choose between
preserving their health or making their rent.
May we who have the flexibility to care for our children when their schools close remember those who have no options.
May we who have to cancel our trips remember those that have no safe place to go.
As fear grips our state, let us choose love.
During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other,
let us yet find ways to be the loving embrace of God to our neighbours. Amen.

Flexible Learning During Current Lockdown

Plans for Monday 31st May, Tuesday 1st, Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd June

Prep A and Prep HB

The prep children took home their home learning packs yesterday. A flexischools notice was sent to all prep parents and more messages will follow. Please turn on your notifications.These packs will contain activities for your child to work on starting Monday. On Monday please go to the school's Learning Community Site to access the daily planners that will then inform you which day your child will work on a particular activity.

Years 1-6

All of the learning is still accessible on the Year Level pages of the Learning Community Site and your children can complete what they can to the best of their ability from Monday to Thursday.

There is one specialist day for all children on Thursday. During this time, teachers plan and prepare lessons and the learning packs for the following week if required. All specialists will upload a program for their current classes onto the specialist pages under the specialist tab on the Learning Community Site.

Zoom Meetings

Teachers will set up Zoom meetings to connect with classes and share learning activities.

We ask that the children wear their school uniform to help get them into the learning mode.

For this lockdown, there will be two Zoom calls a day - one at 9am for roll call and a second one around 1pm. These are times during the day for the teachers to check in and connect with children, talk with the children about their learning, as well as record attendance.

The Zoom link for each year level is available on the Flexible Learning page on the Learning Community Site under the Year Levels tab as well as on the page at this link. Choose the Year level, click on the arrow and you will find the drop down box. Click onto Flexible Learning.

With all of that in mind, we will continue to provide continuity of education for your children in the best way possible.
The learning activities will link to the current level work plans and will be adapted to suit the online environment as best as possible.
We thank our parents and teachers for their ongoing hard work and support during this challenging time.
Parents can email Jenny ( or Liz Hills ( lizh for help or support at any time.


For all families - A child's absence must be notified via Flexischools as normal.

Onsite Students

  • Children enter the school from 8:45. Please wait on the crosses under the portico.

  • Children wear their school uniform

  • There will be temperature checks at the front office

  • Please bring your devices to school if you have one

  • No lunch orders during lockdown

  • Children will be sent home if unwell


PSG Meetings

PSG Meetings scheduled for Wednesday 2nd June will be conducted via Zoom meetings.


Cyber Safety: Raising Kids in a Digital World 2021 will now be an online webinar

Presenters: Marty McGauran & Carley McGauran

Date: June 3 2021

Time: 7.30pm


Here is the link for parents to register for the webinar: 

Once parents register (with an email address and name), they will be emailed a link to the webinar. They will also receive a reminder email 15 min before the webinar begins. The following day, they will receive a link to access the replay. Therefore we recommend even if parents are unable to attend the live webinar, they register to ensure they can access the replay.


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