Ash Wednesday and Lent
The whole school attended mass on Wednesday to receive the ashes and recognise the start of forty days of the season of Lent. It is a time for prayer and reflection and one of the most important periods in the Christian calendar. Ash Wednesday follows Shrove Tuesday. Thanks to the wonderful parents who made pancakes for the children on Tuesday (including the gluten free ones too!).
Let everything I do this day and in this season of Lent
come from you, be inspired by you.
Thank you to all of you who attended and supported our first major school event for the year. It showed that we need to invest in some extra hall chairs as there was standing room only ! Here is the link to information about this event including videos from parents and staff as they share more ideas for the school masterplan.
A special thank you to our Year 6 leaders who volunteered to help set up the hall, share a welcome prayer and show parents to classrooms during the Connection Event.
Lana, Amelia, Mackenzie, Charlotte |
The first parent/teacher meetings for the year support our goal to build strong partnerships with parents as we gain a deeper understanding about your children. These meetings will provide an opportunity for parents to share valuable insights about their children with teachers. Parents are required to complete the blue page attached to the interview information and bring it to the interview to share with the teacher. This gives you a chance to share your child's strengths, special abilities, hobbies, highlights from 2017, hopes for 2018 and any challenges (extra forms are available at the office).
To book an interview, go to and enter the code ggu6d
PSG's (Program Support Group) meetings are separate meetings for some of our children. Families have received notification to make a meeting for Monday 26th February or Tuesday 6th March. It is not necessary to attend an interview on Thursday 22nd February if you have a PSG meeting. To book an interview, go to and enter the code rws3s3
Monday School Photos
A reminder that school photos will take place this Monday 19th February. Children will need to be in full summer uniform and ensure they have their hair tied back with navy hair ties. JoJo bows won't be able to be worn for the school photos.
Enrolments 2019
I am meeting with existing families (who would like a chance to meet or enrolment forms are available from the office) and new families for enrolments for 2019 commencing on Monday 19th February. Please email principal@spmurrumbeena for an appointment.
School Fees 2018
The school fees for 2018 were mailed home this week. If you have any queries, please contact the office on 9569 7487.
Important Dates
Monday 19th Feb School photo day NO ASSEMBLY on photo day
Thursday 22nd Feb Parent/teacher interviews commence @ 1.30pm
Tuesday 6th March Parent Sacramental Night @ 7pm Years 3 & 6
Monday 12th March Labour Day Holiday
Monday 19th March Years 5/6 depart to Canberra
Tuesday 26th March Term 1 concludes for students. Dismissal @ 3.30pm
Wednesday 27th Mar School closure day due to staff conference
Thursday 28th Mar School closure day due to staff conference
Community Notices
St Patrick's has registered for the latest Coles Sports for Schools. We would appreciate your (your neighbors, grandparents etc) shopping vouchers. These can be dropped into the box in the school office.
All staff, students and their families are eligible for a discount at Cabrini Hospital's Emergency department as St Patrick's has registered to be part of this offer.
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