Friday, 9 February 2018

Week 2 Term 1 2018

Year of the Youth 2018
The Year of Youth for 2018 as announced by Pope Francis, invites the Church to nurture the physical, emotional and spiritual well being of young people. As explained in this short and inspiring video...."the world promises us comfort but we were not made for comfort, we were made for greatness ". How can each of us bring joy and hope to our children,families, friends and those less fortunate than us ?
One way for us to bring joy and hope to those around us, is to have an inner strength and belief in ourselves. A few years ago, I participated in the "Best Lent Ever" free online programme. It is a 5 minute a day video reflection on helping us to become the best version of ourselves during Lent. Lent is the 40 days leading to Easter and it begins this Wednesday, Ash Wednesday. You can sign up for the "Best Lent Ever" programme at this link. Taking a little time each day to focus on our spiritual well being, enables us to develop an inner strength to be the best version of ourselves for our children, family and friends.

Connection Event Monday 12th February 7:00-8:00pm
( Please note: 6:30 Start Prep parents - Literacy support, Gr 5/6’s Camp)
All parents and carers are invited to this important event in our school hall on Monday night. This is a perfect opportunity to meet all of our staff and to learn how you can support your children with learning for 2018. Take the time to show your support for your children and their learning.

The plan for the evening will be as follows:

7:00 pm - Welcome, learn how to access & use the updated St Pat's Learning Community Site, masterplan progress and curriculum snapshot with Jenny & Liz

7:10 pm - Staff and new leadership team introductions

7:20pm - P&F and Board news

7:30 pm - Move from the hall to classrooms to meet with teachers. Teachers will share expectations around learning and follow up important points from their term newsletters. Specialist teachers will be available in the hall.

7:50 pm -Conclude

Playground Upgrade
The children enjoyed watching the tradesman replace some of the worn playground equipment with new parts. The playground will be available to use again on Monday once the concrete has set around the poles.

Masterplan Parent Workshop feedback
A big thank you to the parents who participated in the masterplan workshop this week. The groups shared their thoughts and ideas with the architects in readiness for the early masterplan designs. Following on from this workshop, the masterplan executive will meet with the architects for further workshops in preparation for a masterplan that meets our unique needs at St Patrick's. We will keep you informed of the progress. Over the next few days, surveyors will be out and about around the school, measuring the land and buildings in readiness for the masterplan designs.

Dates for Term 1
IMPORTANT: This year our two staff closure days normally at the end of February will take place at the end of the term. This means school for the children will finish on Tuesday 27th March. The teachers will be participating in the "Schools that Deliver" professional development on Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th March. You can learn more about this professional learning at this link.

School Photo Day
Our school photographer will be at school on Monday 19th Feb.  You should have all received the order forms which were sent home yesterday.  If you would like your children to have a sibling photograph together, please collect the order form from the office.  All order forms will be collected from the students by the photographers on the day. Please note that orders can also be placed online. (If you are using the online order option please let your children know that you have done this because some get a little worried.)

Icy poles
Icy poles are back this term on Thursdays.  Still only 50cents.

Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Day
The students will be enjoying pancakes on Tuesday 13th February thanks to the P & F and our grade 2 parents.  Please ensure that if your child suffers from any applicable food allergies, that you complete the pink form sent home this week, and return it to the office ASAP.

Pizza Nights
The first of the P & F Pizza nights is scheduled for Friday 23rd February.  The families of all PREP families are invited along but please complete the form that was also sent home earlier this week so that we know how many to cater for.  Thank you.


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