Friday, 23 February 2018

Week 4, Term 1, 2018

Principal's News from Jenny Hawkins

A Year 4 Lenten display
Lord, during this Lenten Season, nourish us with Your Word of life and make us one with You in love and prayer.

Enhancing Catholic School Identity (ECSI) Parent Surveys
A letter will go home to parents today requesting parent participation in an online ECSI survey. All Catholic schools in Melbourne aim for continuous improvement. Together with the Catholic University in Leuven, the survey uses sound research to provide accurate data to contribute to our school improvement plans particularly around our Catholic identity. This also supports our school review which will take place next year. We need as many responses as possible to provide valid data and thank you for taking the time to complete the survey online. The surveys open online from  Tuesday 5th March until Friday 27th April.
Last year I studied a paper around the ECSI project. You can read more at this link.

Parish Education Board Nominations Open today and close 4pm 2nd March
Our board chairperson, Travis spoke about the opportunity for parents to put their names forward to join the board at our recent Connection Event. Board terms are for two years with two meetings a term. The current term for 3 members of our board has come to an end. You can learn more about the board at this link on our Learning Community Site.
Here is a message from Fr Paul :
One way parents can significantly contribute to the enrichment of the School is by joining the Parish
Education Board. I would warmly encourage you to consider joining a wonderful team already very
dedicated to your children. Therefore, I would now like to request nominations in writing from parents across the school community (nomination forms are available from the office). Nominations are to be in writing including a few words about yourself and addressed to the Returning Officer and kindly delivered to the box in the school office by 4pm Friday, 2nd March. We ask that nominees be available to attend the AGM on 14th March. We would love you to embrace the opportunity to play an active and decisive part in our Parish education Board. 
God Bless, Fr Paul

Attendance Policy/ New Legislation
In line with new legislation, our attendance policy has been reviewed and was ratified at the board meeting. You can access the full policy on our Learning Community Site at this link.
The school has now set up an SMS system to notify parents if their child is absent with an unexplained absence. This is a legal requirement for all schools to support the safety of every child in our care.

Sunsmart Information 
Although the weather may be cooling down a bit, the UV levels are still high so please remember to use sun protection each day during the sun protection times – not just on hot or sunny daysSunSmart have a new song by Jay Laga’aia called ‘You gotta be SunSmart’. Check it out below. Please be sure to share the video with your families and friends.
Further Sunsmart resources for parents are available at

Introducing our Environment Group Leaders
The year is off to a well organised start from our enthusiastic 2018 "Eco Warriors". Mackenzie, Lily, Alanna, Eva, Jed, Nick and Anton will be coming up with ways of making our school kinder to our planet, by making it more sustainable and implementing recycling initiatives.  We hope that they will receive lots of support for their ideas both at home and at school.

Sports report from Michelle Barclay

Congratulations to James H and Angus S who represented St Pat's in the Dendy Tennis Tournament last Friday. Both boys showed some fantastic skills on the court, putting in a strong and consistent effort throughout the day.

We had a fantastic number of children attend the swimming trials a couple of weeks ago. Our team will be competing at the Dendy District Swimming Carnival on Monday 26th February. We wish all our competitors good luck.

On Tuesday 27th February, some players from the Melbourne Football Club will be visiting St Pat's to conduct a clinic for the Yr 4s. Children in Yr 4 are asked to wear their sports uniform and can add a 'footy flavour' to their uniform, eg, scarf, team colour ribbons.

Enrolment for 2019
Enrolment forms for children commencing in Prep 2019 are now available from the office.

Important Dates
Tuesday 6th March          Parent Sacramental Night @ 7pm Years 3 & 6 
Monday 12th March       Labour Day Holiday
Monday 19th March       Years 5/6 depart to Canberra 
Tuesday 26th March       Term 1 concludes for students. Dismissal @ 3.30pm
Wednesday 27th Mar      School closure day due to staff conference
Thursday 28th Mar         School closure day due to staff conference

Community Notices

Thank you to all the families who have started collecting the Coles vouchers...they are coming in thick and fast so please keep up the good work.

Friday, 16 February 2018

Week 3, Term 1, 2018

Principal's News from Jenny Hawkins
Ash Wednesday and Lent
The whole school attended mass on Wednesday to receive the ashes and recognise the start of forty days of the season of Lent. It is a time for prayer and reflection and one of the most important periods in the Christian calendar. Ash Wednesday follows Shrove Tuesday. Thanks to the wonderful parents who made pancakes for the children on Tuesday (including the gluten free ones too!).


Let everything I do this day and in this season of Lent 

come from you, be inspired by you.

Connection Event
Thank you to all of you who attended and supported our first major school event for the year. It showed that we need to invest in some extra hall chairs as there was standing room only ! Here is the link to information about this event including videos from parents and staff as they share more ideas for the school masterplan.
A special thank you to our Year 6 leaders who volunteered to help set up the hall, share a welcome prayer and show parents to classrooms during the Connection Event.
Lana, Amelia, Mackenzie, Charlotte
Parent / Teacher meetings Thursday 22nd February (school finishes at 1pm)
The first parent/teacher meetings for the year support our goal to build strong partnerships with parents as we gain a deeper understanding about your children. These meetings will provide an opportunity for parents to share valuable insights about their children with teachers. Parents are required to complete the blue page attached to the interview information and bring it to the interview to share with the teacher. This gives you a chance to share your child's strengths, special abilities, hobbies, highlights from 2017, hopes for 2018 and any challenges (extra forms are available at the office).

To book an interview, go to and enter the code ggu6d

PSG's (Program Support Group) meetings are separate meetings for some of our children. Families have received notification to make a meeting for Monday 26th February or Tuesday 6th March. It is not necessary to attend an interview on Thursday 22nd February if you have a PSG meeting. To book an interview, go to and enter the code rws3s3

Monday School Photos
A reminder that school photos will take place this Monday 19th February. Children will need to be in full summer uniform and ensure they have their hair tied back with navy hair ties. JoJo bows won't be able to be worn for the school photos.

Enrolments 2019
I am meeting with existing families (who would like a chance to meet or enrolment forms are available from the office) and new families for enrolments for 2019 commencing on Monday 19th February. Please email principal@spmurrumbeena for an appointment.

School Fees 2018
The school fees for 2018 were mailed home this week.  If you have any queries, please contact the office on 9569 7487.

Important Dates
Monday 19th Feb            School photo day NO ASSEMBLY on photo day
Thursday 22nd Feb         Parent/teacher interviews commence @ 1.30pm
Tuesday 6th March          Parent Sacramental Night @ 7pm Years 3 & 6 
Monday 12th March       Labour Day Holiday
Monday 19th March       Years 5/6 depart to Canberra 
Tuesday 26th March       Term 1 concludes for students. Dismissal @ 3.30pm
Wednesday 27th Mar      School closure day due to staff conference
Thursday 28th Mar         School closure day due to staff conference

Community Notices

St Patrick's has registered for the latest Coles Sports for Schools.  We would appreciate your (your neighbors, grandparents etc) shopping vouchers.  These can be dropped into the box in the school office.


All staff, students and their families are eligible for a discount at Cabrini Hospital's Emergency department as St Patrick's has registered to be part of this offer.  

Friday, 9 February 2018

Week 2 Term 1 2018

Year of the Youth 2018
The Year of Youth for 2018 as announced by Pope Francis, invites the Church to nurture the physical, emotional and spiritual well being of young people. As explained in this short and inspiring video...."the world promises us comfort but we were not made for comfort, we were made for greatness ". How can each of us bring joy and hope to our children,families, friends and those less fortunate than us ?
One way for us to bring joy and hope to those around us, is to have an inner strength and belief in ourselves. A few years ago, I participated in the "Best Lent Ever" free online programme. It is a 5 minute a day video reflection on helping us to become the best version of ourselves during Lent. Lent is the 40 days leading to Easter and it begins this Wednesday, Ash Wednesday. You can sign up for the "Best Lent Ever" programme at this link. Taking a little time each day to focus on our spiritual well being, enables us to develop an inner strength to be the best version of ourselves for our children, family and friends.

Connection Event Monday 12th February 7:00-8:00pm
( Please note: 6:30 Start Prep parents - Literacy support, Gr 5/6’s Camp)
All parents and carers are invited to this important event in our school hall on Monday night. This is a perfect opportunity to meet all of our staff and to learn how you can support your children with learning for 2018. Take the time to show your support for your children and their learning.

The plan for the evening will be as follows:

7:00 pm - Welcome, learn how to access & use the updated St Pat's Learning Community Site, masterplan progress and curriculum snapshot with Jenny & Liz

7:10 pm - Staff and new leadership team introductions

7:20pm - P&F and Board news

7:30 pm - Move from the hall to classrooms to meet with teachers. Teachers will share expectations around learning and follow up important points from their term newsletters. Specialist teachers will be available in the hall.

7:50 pm -Conclude

Playground Upgrade
The children enjoyed watching the tradesman replace some of the worn playground equipment with new parts. The playground will be available to use again on Monday once the concrete has set around the poles.

Masterplan Parent Workshop feedback
A big thank you to the parents who participated in the masterplan workshop this week. The groups shared their thoughts and ideas with the architects in readiness for the early masterplan designs. Following on from this workshop, the masterplan executive will meet with the architects for further workshops in preparation for a masterplan that meets our unique needs at St Patrick's. We will keep you informed of the progress. Over the next few days, surveyors will be out and about around the school, measuring the land and buildings in readiness for the masterplan designs.

Dates for Term 1
IMPORTANT: This year our two staff closure days normally at the end of February will take place at the end of the term. This means school for the children will finish on Tuesday 27th March. The teachers will be participating in the "Schools that Deliver" professional development on Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th March. You can learn more about this professional learning at this link.

School Photo Day
Our school photographer will be at school on Monday 19th Feb.  You should have all received the order forms which were sent home yesterday.  If you would like your children to have a sibling photograph together, please collect the order form from the office.  All order forms will be collected from the students by the photographers on the day. Please note that orders can also be placed online. (If you are using the online order option please let your children know that you have done this because some get a little worried.)

Icy poles
Icy poles are back this term on Thursdays.  Still only 50cents.

Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Day
The students will be enjoying pancakes on Tuesday 13th February thanks to the P & F and our grade 2 parents.  Please ensure that if your child suffers from any applicable food allergies, that you complete the pink form sent home this week, and return it to the office ASAP.

Pizza Nights
The first of the P & F Pizza nights is scheduled for Friday 23rd February.  The families of all PREP families are invited along but please complete the form that was also sent home earlier this week so that we know how many to cater for.  Thank you.


Friday, 2 February 2018

Week 1 Term 1 2018

Welcome back to all of our children and families for the 2018 school year. Everyone is well rested and ready to live out our school vision to be engaged and motivated learners always faithful to our loving God.

Beginning of the Year Mass Friday 9th Feb at 9:30am
It was lovely to have Fr Paul welcome back the children this morning with a special blessing and a prayer. Fr Paul spoke about the the 3 L's - Listening, Learning and Love. All of these contribute to filling our hearts with joy. We look forward to a joy filled year with our children and families for 2018.
All parents are welcome to join us for mass on Friday 9th February at 9:30am.
1M's Joy Mural
Invitation to come to Masterplan Visioning workshop 7:00-8:00pm Tuesday 8th Feb
The parent visioning workshop will take place this Tuesday 6th February, 2018 at 7pm.  We invite as many parents as possible to come along and contribute to the future development of our school. If you have ideas or concerns, eg. Kiss and Drop, parking, playground, buildings etc then come along and have your say.
To help gauge numbers attending for our architects Please complete the RSVP at this link or email ideas and suggestions to

New furniture in 5M
5M and 1W have been chosen to be our two pilot classrooms for our flexible furniture. 5M's furniture arrived in the holidays and the children are very excited to be able to trial it. This was chosen in response to feedback from the students around flexible furniture options.
Here are some responses from the students about the furniture.

Pilot Classroom 5M Feedback:
Sienna - I like how the chairs rock.
Catia - I feel like I can concentrate more on work because I can lean and move with the chair.
Mae - I like that we can stand up to work if we want to.
Maya - I like how we can write down ideas on the whiteboard table.
Alice - It’s more comfortable than the old classroom tables.
Ella - I like that the back of the chair moves.
Mimi - It’s comfortable, relaxing and flexible for schoolwork.
Terrence - I like how the chairs have designs on them.
Tom W - I like that we can move tables throughout the day and sit next to different people.
Lucas - I like how the chairs are flexible and not stiff.
Ivy - I like that we have a high table to do work on.
Brigid - I like how we get to move around instead of being stuck in the same spot.
Lara - I think the chairs are perfect for silent reading because we can move back and forth.
James - I like that we have comfortable stools and benches to sit on.
Aidan - I like how the tables are smooth and clean.
Lochie - I like how the tables are up high and we have stools.
Fergus - I am really excited that 5M were picked to be the pilot classroom and trial the furniture.
Tom - I like how we can move around more in the classroom.
Abi - I like that the chair moulds with your body.
Fred - The round tables are great for group work and working as a team.
Craig - I like how easy the chairs are to put up. We just have to slide them.
Jack - I like how we can write on the whiteboard table.

Our Monday morning assemblies will resume this Monday 5th Feb at 9am. All parents and carers are welcome to join us for our assemblies.

Connection Event Monday 12th Feb 7:00-8:00pm
All parents are encouraged to come and join us in the school hall on Monday 12th February. It is an opportunity to meet all staff and learn about teaching and learning goals and expectations for 2018 with class teachers.
Please note that the Connection Event will be preceded at 6:30pm by a Prep Information session about reading facilitated by our DP Liz Hills in Room 1 (Prep Y).

Thank you
Thanks to the P & F and Grade 1' s for supplying the welcome morning tea for our Prep parents yesterday. Our preps have got off to a great start and have made a wonderful transition to school. 
Thanks from our staff who enjoyed some of the left overs for their morning tea too !

Nut products at school
We have had some queries regarding our nut-free policy. St Patrick's is not a "nut-free" school. We operate under the advice and guidance of DEECD and ASCIA and The Royal Children's Hospital who advise that primary schools (unlike childcare centres and kinders) should not promote themselves as being nut-free. 
It is their contention that this can lead to a false 'sense of security' for children with allergies, when in fact they should be ever vigilant of their environment and particularly their food intake.
As a risk minimisation we undertake the following:
* we suggest that parents try to avoid sending nut products to school, 
* we discourage food sharing
* we ask parents to complete asthma and anaphylaxis manangement plans and keep them up to date
* we store and manage epipens
* all staff are trained in Level 2 first Aid and Anaphylaxis Management.

Email protocols
Our staff are more than happy to receive email communication from parents. From a pastoral perspective for the well being of our staff, they will respond to parent emails between 8am and 5pm during week days.

Thank You
A special thank you to the children and families who gave me beautiful cards and gifts at the end of the year. I feel very spoilt and blessed to be part of such a thoughtful and generous school community. I look forward to continuing to get to know you all further this year.

Jenny Hawkins

It’s off to a quick start with sporting events in 2018! Children in Years 4-6 are invited to attend swimming trials (Wednesday 7th February at GESAC, 7.15am- 8.30am) for the upcoming Dendy Swimming Carnival. Permission forms, along with the Dendy Code of Conduct have been sent home- please read through these and return asap.

During the year there are many occasions when we will request the assistance of parent helpers with activities. These activities may include: inter-school sports events, school excursions, classroom helpers,cooking,etc.
In line with our Child Safe Policy, St Patrick’s requires that any parents who wish to help in this capacity must have a current Working With Children Check. A copy must be sent to the school office and may also be required when you sign in at the office. WWCCs can be applied for online at and are free for volunteers.

We strongly urge ALL parents to apply for a WWCC, and to advise the office.

Special thanks to Fil Cricri & Tina Stavrinidis for their management of the the Secondhand Uniform over the past couple of years.  The baton has now been passed to Kellie Heathcote who has kindly volunteered to run the Secondhand Uniform Shop.Thank you Kellie.
The shop (in the corridor outside the school hall) will reopen on Tuesdays from  6th Feb between 3pm & 3.30pm.

Lunch orders have recommenced and we welcome 3 Little Bakers Murrumbeena to our school community.  Please see FLEXIBUZZ for the lunch order menu.