"The School Advisory Council provides a forum for discussion and discernment, where the parent/guardian voice and perspective are available to inform and support the decisions made by the principal and parish priest for the good of school and parish where the wellbeing and outcomes for students is paramount." (Terms of Reference p.1)
Thanks to everyone who attended the first P&F meeting of the year.
Here is a link to the minutes from the meeting.
You can also access the minutes and past meeting minutes on the Learning Community Site at this link.
Parents & Friends Meeting - Tuesday 8 March at 7.30pm - all welcome
The Parents & Friends committee will be having our next meeting on Tuesday 8 March at 7:30pm.
All members of the school community are welcome to attend any meeting without
needing to be a member of the committee, although new committee members are welcome
Join Zoom Meeting at this link Meeting ID: 881 5160 2572 Passcode: 751603
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to one of the P&F Committee members.
- Co-Presidents: Razia Mohamed (Prep), Jenny Jones (Gr 5&6)
- Treasurer: Vanessa Jirjees (Gr 1)
- Secretary: Cathy Byrne (Gr 3)
- PatCare Coordinator: Melinda Vella (Gr 1)
- Pre-Loved Uniform Coordinator: Sandra Iorlano (Gr 1)
- Pink List Coordinator: Christie Alexander (Prep & Gr 6)
- General Committee Members: Kellie Heathcote (Gr 4&6), Caterina Slade (Gr 4),
It has been a long tradition that every family in the school receives a full family list,
referred to as the ‘Pink List’ that contains every child’s name, class and, with your permission,
your contact details. The Pink List is currently being finalised and you will receive a
hardcopy in the coming days.
Pink List Community Pages
This is a final call if you would like to have your business included in the 2022 Pink List as
it will be due for printing shortly.
Please email the P&F: pandf@spmurrumbeena.
of your business if you would like to be included.
Pre-Owned Uniforms - Can you help?
The Pre-Owned uniform shop has been overwhelmed with generous donations.
Thank you to all the families who have contributed, we are currently sorting through these items.
Families wishing to purchase uniform items can email enquiries to
the coordinators: stpatssecondhand
be collected from the school office by parents or your children once advised it is ready.
Our Pre-Owned uniform coordinator would love some help to sort donated items by
size and type and record them in an inventory spreadsheet.
If you can spare a little bit of time each week to help, please email stpatssecondhanduniforms
Pizza Nights
Traditionally the younger year levels hold a casual pizza night in a local park on a Friday night within term 1.
These are organised by P&F class reps or parent volunteers and are a lovely way to
welcome new parents or catch up with other parents in the year level.
Further communications will be coming out shortly, but the following dates have been booked in so far:
- Prep - Friday 4th March at Packer Park
- Year 1 - Friday 18th March at Packer Park
- Year 2 - Friday 25 March at Murrumbeena Park, Kangaroo Road
- Year 3 - Friday 1st April - Murrumbeena Park, Kangaroo Road
- Year 4 - TBAPatCare
The St Patrick’s community support program (PatCare) is a long-standing group that
supports members of our local community during times of need.
Its volunteer base is coordinated through the St Patrick’s Parents & Friends,
but the support is administered confidentially by the school.
We are always looking to grow the list of volunteers available to assist.
Liz Hills will engage with families or individuals experiencing serious illness,
grief or other hardship to identify what support PatCare would be appreciated,
for example with a meal or two. We also support families with new babies
to help in that initial busy period. Liz will then liaise with our PatCare coordinator,
who then contacts the list of volunteers to see who is available to assist.
The meal is dropped to the school by the volunteers,
and Liz will arrange delivery to the recipient.
If you would like to be a P&F Class Rep but you have not reached out,
please email the P&F team: pandf@spmurrumbeena.
P&F Class Reps for 2022
The P&F would like to thank the below parents who have volunteered as P&F Class Reps for 2022:
- Prep: Christie Alexander, Razia Mohamed, Jodie D'Cunha, Natalie Cromer
- Yr 1: Kirsty Gemetzis, Kylie Thompson, Jane Naughtin & Anna McKenzie
- Yr 2: Kathryn Manning-Clark Alanna Bailey
- Yr 3: Tiffany Smith, Maru Herde
- Yr 4: Stephanie Cameron, Caterina Slade
- Yr 5: Liz Ward, Gabby Parr, Jo Da Costa, Jenny Jones
- Yr 6L: Sue Williams, Maggie Perreira
The P&F is seeking a dad who would be willing to organise casual events for dads
Term 1 2022
Tues 8, Thurs 10 PSG meetings
Thurs 10 Alpha online 7:30pm
Friday 11 Beachside Division Swimming
Monday 14 Labour Day Public Holiday
Wed 16 PSG meetings
Thursday 17 St Patrick's Day
Friday 18 Lawn bowls Beachside
Friday 8 End Term 1
Tuesday 26 Beginning Term 2
Tuesday 10 Year 5 mass & Reconciliation 9:15am
Monday 16 Closure Day Staff PL
Saturday 28 Year 5 Mass & Eucharist 9:15am
Monday 13 Queen's Birthday
Thursday 16 Parent Teacher Meetings
Friday 24 End Term 2
July 11 Beginning Term 3
Wednesday 20 Confirmation Year 6 5:30pm
Friday 16 End Term 3
Monday 3 Beginning of Term 4
Monday 10-12 Canberra Camp Year 6
Tuesday 18 Mass & Reconciliation Year 4
Monday 24 -26 Year 5 Camp
Monday 31 Closure Day Assessment
Thursday 3 Sports day
Friday 25 Closure Day Staff PL
Tuesday 13 Graduation Year 6
Friday 16 Last day of school year
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