Friday 5 February 2021

Community Update #1.3

 Beginning of the Year Commissioning Mass

The whole school attended a special mass to celebrate the beginning of the school year today.

Above is a short video of the children singing.

During the mass, the staff were commissioned to teach at our Catholic school and they shared a special prayer in front of the children.

..... May we grow together as a school community filled with hope and joy and be a place of welcome where everyone feels included and valued.....

Connection Event

Normally we hold a special evening at this time of the year where parents are invited to meet the teachers.

Due to Covid restrictions we are unable to welcome all parents onsite. Instead, we are preparing a special introductory video to share will all families.

The video will be ready to share with you in next week's Shamrock.

Weekly Learning 

Every Monday, you can access the weekly learning intentions and success criteria for class levels and specialist classes on the Learning Community Site at this link. Go to the Year level tab and click on the weekly learning dropdown box.

Covid Safety

The school has a Covid safe plan to ensure that everyone keeps healthy and well onsite at our school.

Please ensure you keep your child at home if they are unwell.

We ask that any parents entering the school building wear a fitted face mask.

Contact our staff

You can access staff emails on our school website at this link.

Our staff are more than happy to receive email communication from parents. From a pastoral perspective for the well being of our staff, they will respond to parent emails between 8am and 5pm during weekdays in a timely manner.

Chromebook Licenses

Our IT technician hopes to complete the licensing of all second hand and non school purchased chromebooks on Tuesday. This is a reminder that if you have purchased one of these devices, you must also purchase a chromebook license directly through the LWT portal on our Learning Community Site as per previous messages.

School Fees 2021

As stated in Community Update #4.7 published on 13 November 2020, there will be no increase in fees and levies for 2021. 

Here is a link to the letter with fee and levy charges for 2021.

St Patrick's Parents & Friends (P & F) News
We hope all families have settled back into their 2021 school routine, and would particularly like to welcome our new families to the school. The circumstances of 2020 meant we missed many opportunities to get to know each other better as a parent community, and hope we can do that more meaningfully in 2021. If you are a new family seeking information from another parent - please feel free to reach out to your P&F class rep. Until the famous Pink List is finalised and you have chosen to provide your information - your class rep may not have your contact details.

Pizza Nights
The P&F and our amazing parent class reps (and other parents) have been busy organising pizza nights for the junior year levels. These nights are always a great evening to get to know other parents, while the kids enjoy a romp in the park. Pizzas are supplied at a cost per family (siblings welcome); each family just brings their own snacks and beverages.

Grade 1 Pizza Night: Friday 12th Feb
Prep Pizza Night: Friday 19th Feb TBC
Grade 2 Pizza Night: Friday 26th Feb
Grade 3 Pizza Night: Friday 26th Feb (apologies to those families who are double booked)
If you haven't received information about these events yet - please contact your P&F rep / parent organiser (details below).

P&F Class Reps
Thankyou to the many parents who have volunteered to be the P&F reps. We are thrilled to have so many this year - thankyou.
We are still seeking a rep from Gr 3L. If you can assist - please email the P&F:

Grade 1:
Grade 2:

Grade 3:
**Still seeking P&F reps for Gr 3L**

Grade 3 Pizza night organiser:

Grade 4:
Grade 5:
Grade 6:
2021 St Patrick’s Pink List – it’s that time of the year!
A special welcome to all new families joining our St Patrick’s community in 2021. It has been a long tradition that every family receives a full family list, referred to as the ‘Pink List’ that contains every child’s name, class and, with your permission, your contact details.
Over the coming days, you will receive details in various formats about the 2021 Pink Booklet. Please take the 5 minutes to review your current listed details and give your permission, or otherwise, to be included in this highly useful P&F publication. Any questions, please contact

Pink List Community Pages
Thankyou to all the families who have already been in contact to be included in our first Pink List Community Pages. In 2021, the Pink List will include details of businesses associated with our school community, as we know many of us are keen to shop local and support other families where we can. If you have a business big or small to promote - we'd love to include the details.

Second Hand Uniform Shop
Industrious P&F Committee member Kellie Heathcote is running the Second Hand Uniform shop from her home, which is very close to school. If you are seeking items, please contact Kellie: .  Donations are welcome too. Please email Kellie to arrange a drop off.

CDF Pay (run by the Catholic Development Fund) is an online payment system that St Patrick's started to introduce in Term 1 last year. The P&F will also use this system to accept payments for icypoles, the famous Easter Raffle (details coming soon) and other events through the year. Further communication from the school about how to use this system will be shared via Flexischools. 

P&F Meeting #1
All parents are welcome to attend our first P&F meeting for 2021. It will be held in the school hall on Wednesday 17th Feb-2021 at 7.30pm. The P&F usually meet twice each term and we welcome any parent who'd like to join the committee or just come along as an observer.

2021 Term Dates

Please note the changes to the end of term dates for Term 1 and Term 2 since last year. This is due to the necessary postponement of the Staff PL days with travel restrictions in place for the facilitators.

Sacrament Dates are published below for your reference.  

Term 1
Staff only return Closure Day                      Jan 27
All children commence                                Jan 28
P& F Meeting                                                 Feb 17 at 7:30pm
Zoom/Telephone Chats (optional)               Feb 24 3:45 - 5pm
Education Board                                           Feb 24 at 7pm
Education Board                                           March 24 at 7pm
End Term 1                                                    March 31 at 1pm

Closure Day Staff PL Day                             April 1

Term 2 
Beginning Term 2                                          April 19
Year 5/6 Camp ADANAC                               April 19-21
Year 5 Reconciliation                                    May 5 10:30am
Year 6 Confirmation                                      May 7 7pm
Year 5 First Communion                               May 9 9am & 5pm
Year 4 Reconciliation                                    June 16 10:30am
End Term 2                                                     June 23 at 1pm
Closure Day Staff PL Day 1                          June 24
Closure Day Staff PL Day 2                          June 25

Term 3
Beginning Term 3                                          July 12
Closure Day  Staff PL Day 4                         Aug 20
Year 3 Reconciliation                                    Sep 8 10:30am                                 
End Term 3                                                     Sep 17

Term 4
Beginning Term 4                                          Oct 4
Year 4 Reconciliation                                    Oct 20 10:30am
Year 4 First Communion                               Oct 24 9am & 5pm
Closure Day Assessment                                Nov 1
Closure Day Planning 2022                          Nov 19
School Swimming                                        Nov 29 - Dec 10
End of term                                                   Dec 15 at 1pm

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