Monday 22 June 2020

Community Update #16 School Report Information & Unwell Students

Report Letter Semester 1 2020
22 June 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am pleased to offer our mid-year report as feedback on your child’s learning for Semester 1. As our school moved to remote learning as a result of COVID-19, our usual ways of working and engaging with students have looked different in Term 2. Included in this change has been how we assess and report on student learning. Our school, teachers, students and families have all had to adapt, change and respond to the landscape – sometimes on a daily basis. There have been countless positive opportunities and new learning, but there have also been challenges and we have each responded as best we can on a weekly basis.

I thank your child for all they have achieved and all they have contributed – they should be proud of their efforts, even in the challenging moments. I also thank each parent, carer and family member for your encouragement, feedback, patience and willingness to engage with us to support your child’s ongoing wellbeing and learning.

I would ask you to appreciate that the content on which we report is reduced, as the usual assessments undertaken in the everyday classroom have not been possible this term.

Teachers have used a broad evidence-base to make their own balanced assessments of your child’s progress at this point in time. Such evidence includes student-led conversations and teacher observations, Term 1 assessments, notes and work samples. Where providing evidence (via SeeSaw or Google classroom) was problematic, students were given additional opportunities to show their understanding once back at school.

The end of year report (December) will provide a more comprehensive view of the year’s learning across all usual curriculum areas.

Usually at this time, we offer Parent/Teacher Meetings. Because of the inability to gather in large groups, these will be deferred until third term. Similarly, most PSG (Program Support Meetings) will be deferred until early third term. We will potentially hold Zoom parent/carer meetings.

In response to parent feedback from Home Learning, we have continued the practice of uploading our Learning Intentions and Success Criteria for Reading, Writing, Spelling, Maths and Inquiry on the Learning Community Site under each class or specialist area’s tab. This will be uploaded on Monday of each week.

As always feel free to email me or your classroom teacher with any concerns or clarification as needed.

I thank you for understanding the variations in this Semester 1 report, as impacted by the change in learning environments this term, and the approach our school has taken.

The instructions for accessing the PAM (Parent Access Module) portal for the online school reports are below.

Yours sincerely,
Jenny Hawkins

PAM Access Instructions:

The easiest way to access PAM is via the quicklink on Flexibuzz or via the school website tab - Parent Information and scroll down to the PAM link.

Importantly whilst in PAM please also complete/update your children's medical records.

New parents and Prep parents should have received instructions directly to their email addresses.

Only one email address can be assigned per family so if at first you don't succeed, please work through any other email addresses you may have provided. If you still don't succeed, or you know that your email has changed, then please email the office from the current email address you wish to use. We will update the details and you will receive new instructions. (Please do not phone because we need the email address).

It is also worth noting that if you are having issues accessing the reports on your device, try opening PAM on a computer via our website.

Unwell Students at School

As you are aware, we need to continue to keep our school as safe as possible for our community. It is vital that if your child has a cold and they are coughing, sneezing or blowing their nose, they must stay at home.

If any children come to school and are unwell, we will contact you to collect your child and take them home for possibly one or two days until the symptoms clear.

If you take your child for COVID testing, please notify the school office for our records.

We only have a few more days left until the end of term. Let's all work together to keep our community safe and well.

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