Friday, 24 November 2017

Week 7, Term 4 2017

Family Mass Thank You
A special thank you to the children who participated enthusiastically with reading, singing and bringing up the offertory during the family mass on Sunday.

Assembly Monday 27th November 3pm
The final awards assembly will be at the later time of 3pm this Monday due to the swimming programme. RSL and Hooptime certificates will be given out as well as other weekly awards.

Just a reminder that swimming commences this Monday for Years Prep - 4 for the next nine school days. Children are to wear their bathers under their sports uniform (girls to leave their arms out of straps).  All children are to wear their runners to school and bring thongs (to change into just before going to the pool) along with their other change requirements.  Parents who opted to help with the swimming program  by registering with the school office, should meet at the pool where they will  given an identification badge allowing entry into the change rooms to provide assistance.  Parents who haven't registered are still welcome to spectate.  

Fete Thank You
Thanks to everyone who organised, helped and supported the fete on Saturday especially Mikaela Kelly. We were certainly fortunate with the weather. Great fun was had by all.

A message from Michaela - A big thank you to all the stall holders and crew that pulled the fete day together. Massive effort year in year out but of course the kids just love it!! 
A few significant farewells this year with some families finishing their educational tenure at St Patrick’s. Your efforts loyalty and ability to pull it all together on this day for many years has not gone unnoticed. 
If I have forgotten anyone who is finishing up this year with their babies in year 6 or year 3 /4 or 2 please let me know as I would like everyone to be acknowledged by the community for their continued support and contribution.
Brasher family, Galvans family, Seletto family, Downie (The Sashman) family, Nugara Family, Davey family, Bremner family, McAuliffe family, Higginbotham family, Stewart family
Lea family although they finished last year they had a swan song thanks Stuart.
And big thanks Nicole Lalande for always sorting the finances Pete Righetti and Wayne Pickering who pull a set up out of the sky and Dannae that is the stall holders fairy making this process as painless as possible for everyone!!
Many thanks again for all your support ,Michaela Kelly and the Fete team

Student Participation Programme
Thanks to John Middleton who coordinated the student involvement in the fete again this year with the support of Kylie Telfer. Here are some extracts from John's very informative report:

I am pleased to advise that the most ever students participated in the program providing 84 hours of support. This is the best result since the program’s inception in 2012.
1. We had a record number of 66 grade 5 & 6 students take part in the sixth year of this program providing 84 hours support to the fete stall holders. The number of hours of support provided this year is up 12% on last year. Refer to chart below for details.
2. We had 3 groups of Grade 6 students (Cake decorating, Origami and Soccer) and 1 group of Grade 5 students (Black Rhino) run their own stalls this year. This is the up from the one group who did it last year.
2. Approximately 70% of all Grade 5 & 6 students participated in the voluntary program
3. Since the program introduction in 2012, student participation has grown at 44% pa, with the total hours of support provided increasing 42%pa. 359 hours of support has been provided to the stall holders over the last 6 years.
4. The students that are volunteering are also doing more, with more students working more than 1 hour than ever before.

Yr 5 & 6 Chromebook Programme
Our school is embarking on a new digital device programme going forward for our Year 5's and 6's. You can access full details on our Learning Community Site at this link.
Cultural Consultation Tuesday 28th November 7:30-8:30 
Just a reminder that the focus of the next POPE (Parents as Open Partners in Education) is around our school cultures. Looking forward to meeting with you.


Tues 14th November     Host Family Night
Sat 18th November       St Patrick's Parish Fete
Wed 22nd November    School Closure Day
                                        Parish Education Board Meeting @ 7.30pm
Mon 27th November     Swimming commences P-4
Tues 28th November     Cultural Consultation @ 7.30 - 8.30pm in the staffroom
                                        Advanced Presentation Skills Year 5 @ 5.30 - 8.30pm in the hall
Mon 4th December       5/6 Sailing program
Wed 6th December       Buddy afternoon 2:30 pm (Year 5s and new preps)
Fri 8th December          5/6 Beach program
Wed 13th December     Carols Night 6-7pm
Wed 18th December     Year 6 Graduation

Wed 20th December     Last day...Mass  9 am, Assembly 12 noon, students dismissed 1 pm

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