Friday, 13 October 2017

Week 1 Term 4 2017

Welcome back to a new term, the fourth and final school term for 2017. Our Year 6's are preparing to graduate and are being supported to make a smooth transition to high school. Our Year 5's are getting ready to be buddies and leaders for 2018. All of our children and staff have begun the new term with enthusiasm as engaged and motivated learners always faithful to our loving God.
Please keep our Year 3's in your prayers as they get ready to make their First Holy Communion in the coming weeks.
October is the month of the Holy Rosary, a special time to pray the Hail Mary prayer to Our Lady.
Prep Orientation
On Tuesday we had the first 2018 Prep Orientation afternoon and evening. Special thanks to four of our Year 6 leaders who spoke to the parents about their experiences at St Patrick's. Thanks to our existing families, new families and staff who supported the sessions. We look forward to welcoming our new Preps next year.
Thanks to Elliott, Tom, Audrey and Charli.

Let's celebrate our 2017 NAPLAN Results

Last term we received the NAPLAN results for our current Year 3s and 5s. Once again, we were very pleased to see the evidence of the children’s efforts and the effectiveness of our teaching and learning program here at St Patrick’s. For the 6th consecutive year, St Patrick’s out-performed the state in all areas in both Year 3 and Year 5.
Here is a summary of our performance in Literacy and Numeracy. The yellow bars represent the state and the red bars represent St Patrick's school.

Fundraising this year
Special thanks to our Parents and Friends Committee for their continued hard work and support of our school through fundraising and the organisation of school events and activities.
This year, the funds raised are going towards the upgrade of the adventure playground and technology hardware.
As many of you know, last year's fundraising went towards the hall kitchen upgrade. The plans have been prepared and we look forward to being able to inform you of the next steps as soon as we hear more.

Child Safety, alcohol and the fete
The P & F Annual General Meeting will be held this Monday 16th October at 7pm in the school hall. This will be followed at 8pm by the stall holders meeting for the fete.
Following the implementation of the Victorian Child Safe Standards in 2016, we have had to review all activities on our school grounds. Stronger processes in all schools, parishes and community organisations have been implemented to align with this legislation. This has meant some changes in order to protect the well being and safety of all children and young people. Some of the new changes for the 2017 Parish fete include no alcohol on the school grounds and the necessity for Working With Children Checks for many of the stall holders. We hope that the reasons for these changes are clear and that you understand this is not only a school decision.

Congratulations to  Emily C (2M), Mae O (4V) and Fabian T (2M) who were selected from hundreds of entries and made into the finals of  the Marshall White "My Dreamhouse" art competition.

Planting Club
Just a reminder that children participating in the Planting Club on Fridays must bring along a pair of gloves.  We also would like to request clean tin  cans such as spaghetti or fruit cans  so that we can start preparing our plantings for the fete.  These can be dropped off at the office.


Tues 17th October         Prep Orientation Grp 2
Tues 24th October         Prep Orientation combined groups
Wed 25th October         St Patrick's School Sports
Sun 29th October          Communion 9am  &  5pm
Mon 6th November       School Closure Day
Tues 7th November        Melbourne Cup Day holiday
Tues 14th November      Host Family Night
Sat 18th November        St Patrick's Parish Fete
Wed 22nd November     School Closure Day


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