A Prayer for Father's Day
Heavenly Father, you entrusted your Son, Jesus,
the child of Mary,
to the care of Joseph, an earthly father.
Bless all fathers as they care for their families.
Give them strength and wisdom,
tenderness and patience;
Support them in the work they have to do,
protecting those who look to them,
as we look to you for love and salvation,
through Jesus Christ
our rock and defender.
A special thank you to all parents who helped organise the Father's Day stall and the Year 6 breakfast. Thanks to Laurel & Hearty for catering for the Father's Day breakfast. Thanks to all of the dads and special friends who joined the Year 6's for such a special celebration. We hope all dads enjoyed Father's Day.
Class Mass
Thanks to those families who have dropped off a pack of biscuits for the weekly class masses. It's lovely to see so many parents and grandparents join their children for mass on a Friday morning. This week's class mass is for the Year 2 classes.
Many of you attended the Restorative Practice evening to learn and understand how to support the school through a unified approach to resolving concerns. You can read more at this link.
Child Safety
Last Wednesday, I attended a workshop at the Catholic Leadership Centre around the Child Safe Standards. I have written a summary of my learning to share with you. You can learn more at this link. I hope this helps to explain the significance of the many changes we have had to make to the way we run things at St Pat's. Ultimately we have the safety and well being of every child at the heart of our decision making. I would like to set up a Child Safety Committee. If you are a parent who is particularly interested in joining the group, please let me know either in person or by email principal@spmurrumbeena.catholic.edu.au
Read this link to find out what Child Safety has to do with Swiss cheese! |
National Child Protection Week
This week is National Child Protection Week National Child Protection Week (NCPW) invites all Australians to play their part to promote the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. In 2017, NCPW is being held from 3–9 September. Now in its 27th year, NCPW is coordinated across Australia by the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN).
The week represents an effort to engage and educate all Australians to understand they have a part to play in keeping children and young people safe from violence, abuse and neglect. It supports and encourages the safety and wellbeing of Australian children and families through awards, events, programs and resources. This year, NAPCAN encourages everyone to build on Protecting Children is Everyone’s Business: Play Your Part by focusing on the theme Stronger Communities, Safer Children. This theme emphasises the importance and value of connected communities in keeping children and young people safe and well.
Restorative Practice Slideshow
The slides from the evening are now available on the parent section of the principal's blog. You can access them at this link.
Angela Yates our Student Wellbeing leader and I attended an advanced Restorative Practice Day for teachers and leaders last week. The important message was that schools are established for teaching and learning. Restorative Practices complement effective teaching and learning pedagogy.
HUG charity fundraiser
Staff Profile
Angela Yates
I have been a member of the teaching staff at St Patrick’s Primary School for 6 years.
I have two roles at St Patrick’s- Foundation teacher Monday to Wednesday and Student Wellbeing Leader Thursdays. I consider teaching children in their first year of school both a blessing and an honour.
As a Student Wellbeing leader I support the staff in taking proactive measures in order to create learning environments in which all students are included and feel safe and supported. I am responsible for facilitating Student Wellbeing Core Team meetings, SRC, overseeing Restorative Practices and embedding our School Wide Positive Behaviours policy. The SWB Core team is comprised of representatives from each grade level and specialist staff and the Student Diversity Leader. The SWB Core team share their collective experience and expertise to support students and teachers. The SRC (Student Representative Council) is an opportunity for student voice. Student voice allows children to engage, participate, lead and learn.
Just a reminder to return forms and money for the disco next Friday 15th September and if possible, to put your name down to help on the rosters outside the office.
Friday 15th September School Disco
Wed 20th September Confirmation
Friday 22nd September End of term 3. Students dismissed @ 2pm
Community Notices
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