"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them."
(The Ode comes from For the Fallen, a poem by the English poet and writer Laurence Binyon, 1941).
Thanks to Mrs Mullan and our Year 5 students who led our ANZAC Service on Monday.
Learning Community Site Updates for Term 2
As we continue to develop this site, you will be able to find further information. Parents and Friends and Parish Education Board meetings have now been uploaded to the site. Staff are uploading Term 2 timetables and newsletters too.
Year 5 Historical Imovies
Thank you to the Year 5's for sharing their Imovies with our children, parents and families. They were very informative and reflected the engaging learning from last term with our historian in residence Alicia Cerreto-Dillon.
Parish Education Board
Our new board met last night for the Annual General Meeting and were pleased to have Fr Paul present at the meeting. Please continue to pray for Fr Paul as he slowly heals from his accident.Thank you to our new office bearers: Travis Westcott (Chairperson), Kylie Newman (Deputy Chairperson) and Gabby Paroli (Secretary) with Kim Johnston (support secretary). We have set up a Parish Education Board (PEB) tab on our Community Learning Site. This will become a 'go to' place for PEB news and resources for all parents to access. Our next meeting is on Wednesday 8th May at 7pm.
Parent and Friends
Out next P & F meeting is on Friday 5th May at 9am. Similarly, there is a P & F tab on the Learning Community Site. This will become a 'go to' point for P & F news and resources. The Term 2 working bee date has been set for Saturday 3rd June. More details to follow.
POPE (Parents Open Partners in Education) Meeting tomorrow 2:30pm
Parent as Helpers Course
Prep and Grade 1 parents are invited to attend this course if you would like to help in your child's classroom during literacy blocks. Please advise which date you would prefer, your name, your child's name and class in an email to koliver@spmurrumbeena.catholic.edu.au
School Fees
A reminder that all term one school fees are now overdue.
Lunch Orders
In order to stem the increase in children forgetting to put their lunch orders in of a morning,commencing this term, any student who has not remembered by the second cut off time, will be offered a $2.00 Vegemite, butter or cheese sandwich instead. This payment will come out of their lunch order money and will in turn be donated to Project Compassion.
Our thoughts are with the Comito family on the passing of Mark's mother Pina, grandmother to
Michael, Lucas (2T) and Alicia (5J). May she rest in peace.
Fri 12th May Mother's Day Stall
Fri 19th May Dendy Cross Country years 4-6
Mon 22nd May Year 5 Camp until Wed 24th May inclusive
Fri 16th June Dendy Football Lightening Premiership
Wed 21st June School Closure Day
Fri 23rd June Reports home
Thur 29th June Parent/Teacher Interviews
Fri 30th June End of term 2. Children dismissed @ 2pm.
Our thoughts are with the Comito family on the passing of Mark's mother Pina, grandmother to
Michael, Lucas (2T) and Alicia (5J). May she rest in peace.
Fri 28th April 5/6 Interschool sports commencesFri 12th May Mother's Day Stall
Fri 19th May Dendy Cross Country years 4-6
Mon 22nd May Year 5 Camp until Wed 24th May inclusive
Fri 16th June Dendy Football Lightening Premiership
Wed 21st June School Closure Day
Fri 23rd June Reports home
Thur 29th June Parent/Teacher Interviews
Fri 30th June End of term 2. Children dismissed @ 2pm.
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